


The morphology of the regional territory is characterized by the evident contrast between the mountains and the plains. The southern border follows the ridges of the Apennines. The Southern Romagna is characterized by softer undulations behind the Riviera di Levante to the Montefeltro. The rest of the territory is occupied by the Po Valley, with its uniform stretches, several of which have been reclaimed into cultivable land from the waters.


The climate is not the same in all parts of Emilia-Romagna and this is due to the different types of habitats present in the area. Still, the presence of the Adriatic Sea has the effect of stabilizing temperatures overall. In the mountainous area we have a maritime and cold temperate climate, with cool and rainy summers followed by long and harsh winters. In the remaining part of the plain the climate is temperate subcontinental, while on the beaches of Ferrara and the Po’ Delta the temperate climate is humid with a lot of fog and frequent rainfall.


Bologna, the capital of the region, is a city with an opulent and gluttonous cuisine. A gastronomic temple of cold cuts but also egg pasta, stuffed or not. There is also the province of Parma, home to the “Food Valley” one of the jewels of the “Made in Italy” food sector. Piacenza, is known for its sumptuous but hearty dishes… for pork lovers. Romagna combines the ancient tradition of “piadina” with tasty and intensely flavored pasta dishes. Here is the diversity of typical products of Emilia Romagna.

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